Monday, July 14, 2014

This is crazy.........


  1. You guys realize no one respects you or cares that you exist? You post and get no replies because you're worthless. You don't do anything good for anybody by posting pictures or hiding on your shitty blog to talk shit because everyone with any good sense despises you. You're worthless and all of you need to get a life. This blog is a testament to the very fact of how ignorant you are and you are far from a God. It's cute to think these things though, maybe one day someone will give a fuck about your opinion or about you pioneering anything because quite frankly with your egos and attitudes, you could have created water itself and you would get no glory due to how shitty of people you are. You show you have nothing better to do with your time but bash people and post pictures of terrible mods. The skin textures are so bad if you showed that to any company they would laugh in your face and ask if you have down syndrome. John Doe, Syxxness and whoever else is on your dick riding parade, you are all worthless human beings with delusions of grandeur. Enjoy having your names being worthless and everything that you do in turn being a waste of time and a waste of oxygen for every breath you breathe. Have a good day :)

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I hope no one agrees with him

    3. You ought to be ashamed of yourself speaking to ME like that. I'm only the father of patching
